2020 March Break Photography Camps

Location: Vancouver Island
Time: 9am – 4pm
Cost: $570 (tax inclusive)
Max: 6 students per class

The Photography Camp offers a fantastic opportunity for students to learn about photography and their cameras in a fun, individualised, creative and hands-on environment. Students will have the opportunity to learn about their cameras, photograph a variety of different subjects and learn basic editing skills in Adobe Lightroom. All students will go home with a 8”x10” print of their work at the end of their week. This Camp is designed for everybody with a love of photography and would like to improve their skills. This camp will also allow students to participate in the Advanced Photography Summer Camp held in late July if they are interested in taking their photography to the next level.

What to expect at  the camp:

• Quality instruction by a professional photographer, who is also a qualified and experienced teacher, experienced in dealing with students from all ages, backgrounds and educational levels.
• Small class size for individualised and personalised learning.
• A safe environment and proper supervision of all our students.
• A relaxed and friendly atmosphere conducive to learning.
Develop a greater understanding of their camera and photography principles.
• Morning and afternoon tea provided (Students will need to bring a lunch due to allergy concerns).

What we cover:

  • Principals of photography and light.
  • All about the camera.
  • Freezing and blurring action with Shutter speeds.
  • Creative photography using Aperture.
  • Learning how to photograph in Manual mode for ultimate camera control.
  • Editing techniques in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop.

What students learn to photograph:

  • Pets.
  • Nature.
  • Low light and special effects.
  • Creative photography.
  • Macro.
  • Product photography (set-ups in the studio).
  • Portraiture tips and tricks.
  • Special effects



We accept cheque, cash or interac transfer.